Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Urban photography...

I decided to do some research into urban photography, looking at the way in which photographers capture their environment. I searched 'urban photography' on google images, obviously showing me lots of different photographs exploring urban photography, some of which I found more effective than others. To me urban photography is exploring a city, looking at the areas you wouldn't usually consider interesting in any way, I also think about graffiti, purely because there can be lots of it found in places like back streets and such. I also think about people, and how they are in their environment going about their everyday lives, not really taking that much notice of what is happening around them. Architecture of buildings as well as street features such as lights, signs and lamp post also come to mind when I think of urban photography, I feel that they play a very important part in our environment, and again people don't tend to pay that much attention to where they are.

Here are some of the photos that I really liked which I found on google images:

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