Saturday, 12 November 2011

Sergey Larenkov

Sergey Larenkov is a Russian photographer. Within his work he takes photographs that were taken during the war and puts them on top of photographs that were taken during this time period. By doing this he is creating a then and now type photograph, showing what that same scene was like many years ago, and what it is like now during present day. This makes me feel quite strange as you are seeing what that area within the photos looked like during the war and it is hard to think that it is the same place that you see today, looking completely different. There is a strong contrast within the two images; you see the mess within the photo taken during the war and the calm and peaceful scene within the present day photograph, which is quite surreal. This is why I really like his work, he makes something that is simple really effective, the combination of two photographs creates a strong atmosphere and gets the viewer thinking a lot more about what they are seeing, and I feel that by having the two photos together Larenkov has been able to make a stronger impact.

“Russian photographer Sergey Larenkov is a master of a technique called, alternatively, perspective-matching photography or the fancier computational rephotography, which consists of precisely matching the points-of-view of vintage and modern photographs and exploring what happens where they merge”.

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