Saturday, 7 January 2012


Within this assignment I have produced numerous photographs showing the way in which I view the city. Having started at the same point of everyone else I developed my own ideas, showing how I specifically think about and look at my surroundings through the photographs that I have taken. When I started with no real idea of what I thought about the city, I noticed that on the first walk through the city I was focusing more on photographing the small things that were lying around having been left or forgotten about by people. Therefore this is the directing in which I decided to carry on going in, exploring different approaches and trying to find a variety of different items to photograph. I think this direction was both good and bad, this is because I really liked the direction yet I was struggling a little bit to find anything that would be interesting and capture the viewers eye making them think about the composition and contents of the photo. However I did really like the idea of looking for the things that go unnoticed by people, I found it interesting mostly because I was now noticing things a lot more than I was before, this assignment has made me view my environment differently than I did before which I really like.

 Within most of my photographs I have used a shallow depth of field, either making something within the foreground or the background the main focal point of the photograph, I think this works well because it drops everything else from the composition out making the item that I have noticed within my surroundings the most noticeable area within the photograph.

I think the research that I did helped me with the direction I was going in, some photographers inspired me more than others. The main photographer being Richard Wentworth this is because of the way he photographs items that people leave in unusual places within the city. This was similar to the direction I was going in therefore his photographs enabled me to get ideas for my own photographs.

Although I am pleased with my final photographs as well as some of my other photos, I definitely think I could improve on my results. I was unable to capture some of the things that I wanted, I focused a lot on discarded rubbish that was left on the streets, however now I don’t think that was a very good direction to go in. It wasn’t very successful in portraying what I wanted to show being the things that go unnoticed within the city; however I do feel that some of the photographs were successful due to the use of composition and depth of field creating strong impacts. I would of like to of done a few more shoots exploring different areas of the city but due to the weather I was unable to go out when I needed to which has meant that I haven’t been able to develop some of the ideas that I had, so this is something I need to plan for within future assignments.

I have enjoyed this assignment and I think I have done well in showing they was I view the city. I feel that everything I have learnt and developed on within this assignment will help me in the future from the use of my camera to the way in which I now view the city and my environment. I have learnt to see things differently, having opened my eyes to viewing things in a new way than I have done previously. I am very pleased with my results and feel I have taken successful photographs which show things that go unnoticed within the city as well as showing how I view the city and the items that I now notice.

Friday, 6 January 2012

Final Images

Above are the photographs that I have chosen to use for my final set of images for this assignment. The reason's that I have chosen these images is because I feel they work really well in portraying what I wanted to show, being the things that go unnoticed within the environment. I have focused more on items that have been used, maybe seem commercially before I had found the on the street. Each photographs contains a different item showing this - they are all items that would of been used and needed at one point in time. I really like these photographs and I feel they work well as a set and successfully show things within the environment that go unnoticed.

Thoughts at this point....

Having looked back over all of the photographs that I have taken for this assignment, I feel that some of the photographs work a lot better than others whether it be down the the composition, the colours and tones within the image or what is actually within the image itself. I still want to focus on the things that go unnoticed within the environment. I think focusing more on the little things, the small items that we wouldn't usually pay that much attention too is an interesting way to go, which I the direction I have gone in with some of the photographs that I have already captured. I am definitely noticing a lot of things within the environment that I wouldn't necessarily of noticed before. I really like the direction that I have gone in with this assignment, I feel I have got some successful photographs and I am showing the way that I view the city through my eyes.

Monday, 19 December 2011

Photographs from third walk..

Here are the photographs that I find more successful from the third walk I went on;

I really like the photographs that I have from this walk, however I do feel that some of them are more successful with the theme that I am using - things that go unnoticed. Although I do like the photographs that are focusing more on rubbish lying on the streets (images 1,2 &4) I don't think they work very well with the theme and direction I want to go in, I want to create something visually challenging to the viewer, making them think about what is within the composition, is is man made and natural. I don't feel the last photo of the washing hanging outside the flats fits at all within the theme, but I find some thing interesting about the photo, its like there is something else to look for but I have no idea what it is, its like there is a hidden meaning behind the photo yet there is no way of finding it.I really like the third and eight photographs within this set, i think they are a bit visually challenging, if I didn't know what was within the composition I would be curious to know what is happening, I feel that these photographs work better with the theme of not knowing, its a bit different and more interesting that looking at rubbish that is lying on the floor, therefore I am going to go more in the direction of looking for unusual things.

Saturday, 17 December 2011

further photos...

After getting some feedback on my last photographs, I the went out again exploring a different area and seeing what things I could find, looking for certain things that I know I wouldn't notice if is wasn't looking for them, on this walk I found some quite unusual things, I was able to capture things which wouldn't be noticed if someone was just walking past. Below is a contact sheet with the more successful photographs I took during this walk.

I am going to upload the photographs that I find more successful from this walk above.

Photographs from second walk...

Here are some of the more successful photographs from the contact sheet below, I have chosen these images as I feel they work well with what I want to show - being things that have been left or discarded of, which wouldn't necessarily be noticed.


I don't feel that these photographs are very successful in showing what I want them too - being things that go unnoticed, I feel they focus more on rubbish that has been left on the floor (for most of the photographs) and the photographs above is of a sign which is meant to get noticed.

Therefore I am going to go out and take some more photographs, this time trying to find different items that wouldn't get noticed that have been left on the street.


I went out and took some new photographs, exploring more of the things that go unnoticed within our environment - like what I said I wanted to explore further in the proposal.

Here is a contact sheet with the better photographs that I got from this walk, I am going to take the more successful images from this walk and upload them above.